Sometime You Need a Bean

darkbean2.jpeg I had a long, hard, difficult day yesterday. Echo went down and I couldn’t get into the building where we keep the machines until after 8PM. So, I was home all day, helpless, waiting for someone to call or email and let me know I could get in. I got home sometime before midnight, and my friend Cricket sent me a picture of her dog Bean (who she knows I love and want to steal). It’s dark, but you can see his absolutely adorable face, right?

He’s a little guy. I’m pretty sure if he ever visited, Buddy and Finney would KEEL him. My current fantasy is to get a chihuahua, because when we’re both old I would be able to carry him or her up and down the stairs. I always thought chihuahuas were yappy, unpleasant dogs, but everything I’ve read about them says they are not. They are sweet, loyal and very people oriented.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Sometime You Need a Bean

  1. What kind of a dog is Bean? She looks kind of Boxer-ish but you say she is small. Pug-ish? The Boxer, Pug, Boston Terrier types always look so serious, as if they have really important business on their minds, and do not wish, under any circumstances, to be distracted.

  2. I’m so embarrassed! I always do that. My cats have always been male, so I project male-ness onto all aminals. Bean is a girl.

    Lisa, she’s a puggle. It’s a mix between a pug and a beagle. You were almost there! I love puggles. And Boston Terriers, too. Boxers are cute. Oh hell, they’re all cute.

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