The Morning After

Cut8.jpg I shower and it’s curly! I may be alone in this but I prefer the curly version.

Ugh. I’m obsessing. I almost wish I hadn’t started. I will never find peace. Stupid, I know, but there it is.







Otherwise these posts line up weird. I wish I knew how to fix that.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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6 thoughts on “The Morning After

  1. isn’t that happens when longish hair gets cut and then washed-the natural waves reveal themselves.

    no matter-the look is ‘carefully tousled’-real downtown-can we say BOSS (remember that descriptor ?)

    seriously-the do…you look fine-and young, too.


  2. Indeed I prefer the curly version– looks great. Your waves look to be in all the right places. How do the cats like it?

  3. I don’t like my new cut anymore. Something about it, and the color he dyed my bangs, I don’t know. I want it back to normal.

    But thank you all for the compliments and the new hairdo support!!

  4. I think it looks great both ways – I would kill for curly – Anyway sometimes it is great to try something different and step out of our safe selves.
    Hey hair always grows back = taking the step to try something different (especiialy with our looks) takes courage. I cut my hair short after the whole Demi Moore thing in Ghost – thought it was great at the time but of course you look back and say what was I thinking. Hey you never know till you try!

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