It’s the Weekend!

Love.jpg The caption for this photo is, I love you, but I must bite you. Finney does that a lot with me. My little biter boo. Also, please note all the scratch marks on the coffee table. Walking, purring, destruct-o-meters they are.

I feel like I spent most of yesterday in Big Brother chat. I get the 24 hour feeds, and it’s really addictive fun, I must say. I usually go to the same channel every day, but I can’t always get in so I’m often talking to a random selection of people from around the country. I almost never agree with anyone about what’s going on in the show and there’s an uncomfortable period where I need to convince people not to hate me because I don’t hate Dustin and Eric and am ambivalent about Dick.

But today I have to go in the other direction. Since the weather is so great, I think a nice long walk, luxuriating in the non-hotness of the day.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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