Echo in 1996

Echo1996.jpg This was Echo’s home page in 1996. It was designed by my friend Sharleen Smith. I’d love to find the one she did even earlier, which had a New York skyline. It was gorgeous and exciting. This one is great too, though! It would be fun to go back to it and use it now. Wow. I just remembered how excited I was when I started Echo. It was 1989, I was 33 years old and I quit my job and everything. Very scary.

Oh God. I think I know why that just popped into my head. Because lately I’ve been thinking I might do something similar. Something completely life changing. I don’t know what yet, but I was talking to my friend Steven the other night and I said, “I have so few responsiblities, no family. I really can pick up and go anywhere and do anything.” It sucks for me in a way, but something good could come of it. I was trying to think of something to do that would improve one of the many the disastrous situations all over the world. I don’t know what yet, but there must be some way I could help.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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6 thoughts on “Echo in 1996

  1. you gave got to read Eat, Love, Pray: the book I was telling you about – Thats what this woman did for a year. Although she was very depressed to start. I love it. Only up to Italy in it.

  2. Stacy, spend some time reading and thinking. Here are my recommendations:

    Charles D. Hayes, The Rapture of Maturity, available at — one of the wisest books I’ve ever read, targeted towards folks in their 60s, doubly valuable for those of us 10-15 years younger.

    Mary Pipher, Writing to Change the World — Cuz you’re a writer, and you can change the world.

    Barbara Sher, It’s Only Too Late If You Don’t Start Now — Sound midlife advice from one of the Wishcraft conference hosts on Echo many moons ago.

    Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning — A classic!

    David Yamada

  3. Thanks, David!! I will take a look at those. And yeah Michelle. I have to pick a place where I can take the cats. They did fine in Durham, after the first few days. It would probably be best if I stayed in this country, though.

    Karen, I’m not depressed, but I could use … something. A lift. A new purpose.

  4. Sorry,I didn’t mean that you were depressed just that you could go off and do what you wanted because of few responsibilities.

  5. Oh, I didn’t think you were calling me depressed! I was just, you know, saying. But I do feeling kinda mopey. So, not quite depressed but definitely in need of a pick-me-up.

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