
MomSkates.jpg – My friend Jonathan is in Florida, beginning his book tour. His first novel, Precious Blood, just came out.

– Ruby is also in Florida, on my dream vacation. I’m very jealous. She’s kayaking on some swampy river somewhere.

– Rachel just had a baby boy named Ezra.

– Marisa and I want to a sample sale yesterday.

– Howard is finishing up a million books, and not one of them will have a monkey on the cover, thank God.

– Marianne’s birthday is tomorrow. She is 1,202 years old. And teeny.

– Charles was in West Virginia, but I’m not sure where he is now. Connecticut, maybe?

– Chris has a teenage son living with her.

– Oh. I got an invite to an ITP event that looks fun. ITP is the Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU where I went to grad school.

– That’s my mother and a friend, taken on East 28th Street in Brooklyn, sometime in the early 40’s, I’m guessing.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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