Do I Look Like My Mother?

We’re talking on Echo about whether or not we look like our mothers. The women are, I should say. This is my mother (and my step-father Jim). Everyone says we look alike, but aside from the coloring, I don’t see it so much. But I have to say, as I age, I’m starting to look like she did when she was older. I’m not sure how old she was in this picture, somewhere in her 40’s, I’m guessing. Anyway, she was pretty, I think! (She died when she was 66.)

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Do I Look Like My Mother?

  1. I think she was about early 50’s in this picture – That is Kenny Frevola in the backround at his Mom’s house at Knollwood Beach. My guess is this was taken around the early 90’s. Anyway I think you are a combo of your Mom and your father’s side of the family and yes I always thought she was very pretty. We are all a combination of our parents in looks and some of their personalities (hopefully the good parts). She looks great for the mother of 3 and also for weathering thru some tough times in her life. Great to see you the other day and I hope you enjoyed youself – talk to you soon.
    P.S. Nicole loved the earrings by the way – Very generous and thoughtful of you.
    Love, Karen

  2. I can definitely see some of your mum in you. What a great photograph. Relaxed and happy 🙂

  3. I loved your mother, and in that picture she is just a little older than when I knew her best. It’s a great picture. We all need to remember our mothers.

  4. It’s sad to lose people. Adrienne, you were the first to lose your mother among my friends, and at such a young age. I don’t know how you got through it. At that age I think I would have been destroyed by it. It’s a lot easier if you’re older when it happens.

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