Spring Cleaning Status Report

Clean1.jpg – Bathroom painted, everything in the room washed, replacement wall shelves ordered.

– Bedroom curtains washed, blinds cleaned, rug shook out on roof, pad underneath the rug replaced.

– Plants dusted, pruned, soil added.

– Bus tickets to Boston ordered for June 2 (my reward/birthday thing). Along those lines, started picking up what I need to give myself a little sprucing up, starting with good scissors to cut my bangs.

– Arranged for upholstery cleaning guys to come in tomorrow to do the couch and my office chair.

– Tomorrow and Thursday will be the major cleaning days. The window guys will be here to do the windows (while I hide the cats and myself, I can’t bear to watch, their balancing act while washing the windows is too scary).

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Spring Cleaning Status Report

  1. I’m jealous! I think this spring ritual of yours is wonderful (am I dreaming that you a fall cleaning too?). I miss my days of apartment living, when taking care of my home was way more manageable. A house has its own pluses I guess, but sheesh, the to-do list is endless. And curses, the grass is starting to grow too…

  2. Now that you are done with your place can you take a train out to LI and do my house now. PPPLLEEAASSEE!

  3. Yeah, I imagine with a house it would be very hard to get to that point where you feel done. Every last thing is cleaned and there is nothing left on the to-do list.

    Karen, HAHAHAHAHAHA. But seriously, your house is amazingly tidy. And you have kids and pets.

  4. Oh and yes, I do a holiday cleaning in November. So twice a year a big cleaning, but the Spring cleaning is the major one.

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