New York After the Apocalypse

I like taking pictures of the Empire State Building.  I’ve been taking them for more than thirty years now.

This was taken from all the way over on the West Side, on a Sunday, so it looks pretty desolate.

Ah.  Today.  Today, today. What’s on the “to-do” list for today?  I have an interview for a docents position to give people tours of Ground Zero.

God knows if I’ll get that.  It takes a certain talent to be good at that kind of thing in the first place, and to give tours of such a highly sensitive place?  We shall see.

I have a haircut scheduled for tomorrow.  You know me and haircuts.  It’s going to be tears or smiles tomorrow.  How did Jessica Mitford used to put it? Shrieks and floods. Either  shrieks of laughter or floods of tears.  (Thank God for google.)  I want that bob that yes, everyone has, but it’s so cute.  But I need my hair to remain long enough to pull back, so I’m shooting for a longer version of what everyone else has.  I’ve had a modified version of this haircut for years, so technically, in my mind anyway, I was first.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “New York After the Apocalypse

  1. On my last trip to New York (June 2006), I got to walk around the Ground Zero site. It was eerie and unnerving.

    I’ve never been able to get past the notion that the only thing those people did wrong that fateful Tuesday morning was to show up early for work.

  2. Yeah. It will be weird to give tours. I hope they’re okay with my blogging about it.

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