Someone’s Dog Just Died

Just a reminder that someone else is always having a worse day.  I saw this sign yesterday on Hudson.  Isn’t that sad?  Very cute little dog.  Losing a pet is the worst.  Loss.  It’s bad.  Not having in the first place is no picnic either, I can tell you.  Ahhh, yeah. Sigh.  Obama is our next president, Obama is our next president.  (I chant this whenever I need to cheer myself up.)

Also, if people would like to do something nice for a nice friend of mine, please go here and vote for The AM Law Daily.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “Someone’s Dog Just Died

  1. Where was this? In an apartment window? The little guy only lived 8 years. Seems young for a small dog. I always love it when dogs and cats have regular “people names”.

  2. This was in a … thing in front of a restaurant, and on the street. I think they normally have menus in there. Actually, now I’m not sure what I normally see in there. It’s got to be the menu.

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