Okay, I’m Broke Now, But Isn’t Everybody?

Back from the dentist.  God I’m glad that’s over with.  Nothing but good stuff to look forward to for the rest of the week.  (The work this dentist did on my tooth though, it’s a work of art.  I didn’t really get a look at it until I got home. Gorgeous.)

I took this picture because I love tiny alleys.  This is so small, maybe it doesn’t even count as an alley.  Maybe it’s just “the space between two buildings.” Except I think a person can fit in there, so I’m pretty sure that means it counts as an alley.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Okay, I’m Broke Now, But Isn’t Everybody?

  1. WOW! Those buildings are WAY too close for me. I think that’s a breezeway, not an alley.
    Love the photo!

    I like the windows on the building on the right, but love everything else on the building on the left.

  2. Oh this is a great block in a wonderful pocket of great blocks. This is Morton Street, just before Hudson.

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