Sunday in the City

I’m going to a panel today called “How God Changes Your Brain” at the Rubin Museum.  Should be good.  Actually, I should post about this on my Unbelievable blog.  Maybe I will.  Maybe after. I can talk about how it was.

While I’m waiting for my camera to be repaired I got film for my plastic toy camera, it’s a Holga. I’m going to bring it out with me today, I’ll see how that goes.  I’m also going to try to pick up film for my old Polaroid Spectra.

In the meantime, I’m bringing back a picture of Buddy that I love.  Look at that face.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Sunday in the City

  1. Both of my cats are like that. They both look like they’re related to a lot of other cats out there. I’ve seen lots of pictures of cats where I say the same thing, like they both have a million twin brothers out there.

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