Karen’s Picture of Robins

Karen (not my sister-in-law Karen, but Karen in North Carolina) sent me this great, GREAT picture and said it was okay to post it.  She also explained that my monster robin might be one of “a subspecies of American Robins that come from the Canadian region of Labrador that are larger than normal.”  

Karen does this great blog called Birds and Buckeyes in Greensboro, that is so worth visiting. She also suggested getting a bird feeder for my fire escape, which is something I’ve wanted to do for a while.  I’ve hesitated for a couple of reasons.  One, I wasn’t sure it if might actually be a form of cat torture, and two, I didn’t know which to buy, and three, I heard squirrels and rats end up feeding from them and scaring away the birds.  Now I want to work this out after looking at Karen’s pictures.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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5 thoughts on “Karen’s Picture of Robins

  1. Those really are some rockin’ big robins! Those robins look like they swallowed one or two of the ones that hang out in my yard.

  2. Stacy – do your homework on the bird feeders. It depends on what the construction of the feeder is – what type of seed and a few other things. I think the cats will love it. It gets there little hearts going and just the thought of getting their little jaws on those tiny little ones is probably worth it for them – it’s just a thought!

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