Supernatural and Castiel

I posted this on a blog somewhere just now and I wanted to post it here.  


I wanted to repost it here because I loved the backstory about Jimmy, the person who essentially sacrificed his life for Heaven (and his daughter).  And I’ve heard some negative buzz about this last episode and I think it was one of the best of the season, and that the show just keeps getting better and better.

I love that the angel Castiel is such a complicated character (and as someone else said, Misha Collins is one of the best actors to have appeared on the show).  His decisions carry adult, moral weight and like every real decision in life, just identifying what is the right thing to do is not clear cut and easy or without consequences and sacrifice.  The right thing to do doesn’t always equal happy ending for all. Castiel is a more fearsome good guy, just as I imagine an angel would be if there was such a thing as angels.  

In fact, just give Casteil/Misha his own show.  I would love a show about angels where the angels are depicted like this, not at all like Touched by an Angel, more like the angels in Wings of Desire if the angels in Wings of Desire were also warriors like Castiel.  Loving but terrifying.  

I’m dying to know what Castiel was going to tell Dean, and what happened in Heaven to change his mind about telling him.

Which reminds me, I also likewise love that God and Heaven are not sugary, light fairytale depictions, but carry the same weight and ambiguitythat I described above.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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