Watch Warehouse 13

Hi. I am right this second sitting on the couch, with my laptop, and Night at the Museum is on in the background. I just finished exercising so I’m allowed. I made the title of this post “Watch Warehouse 13” just in case I forget to mention it.

It’s a new show that I don’t just like, I LOVE. I mean I really loved the premiere. Loved all the main characters, loved the premises, the first “case,” the humor, the possibilities. I’m happy.

I took this picture … Thursday? This the park behind the 42nd Street library and it’s not usually this packed in the middle of the afternoon. The stage and screen was set up for the summer movies (they show movies there at night once a week during the summer, it’s a lot of fun) and it looked like the cast from STOMP was up there doing their thing. You can’t see it, the stage is to the right of what I am showing in this photograph.

Update: Added a picture with the stage below this one. Not that it’s so fascinating.



Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Watch Warehouse 13

  1. I enjoy your blog, found it googling around about your first book, “Waiting for My Cats to Die.” LOVED it!

    I like reading about your life in NYC; have always wanted to visit there, it’s top of my “Bucket List.”

  2. I live in north Alabama, a small town by the name of Cullman. But one of these days, I’ll make it to NYC!

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