The View From Up Here

I forget why I climbed up on my kitchen counter, but I liked how my apartment looked from up there. Except there are two areas of clutter that are bugging me. The coffee table, and the wires under my desk.

I have tried repeatedly but I have never been able to make those wires look neat. It drives me nuts. The coffee table I can do something about.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “The View From Up Here

  1. My favorite pictures are the ones inside your apartment and outside your windows. Your place looks very cozy. I think Robin Williams did a film where he had his students stand on top of their desks to get a new perspective of life. I still think a good book about the lost lives of those that lived out their lives in insane asylums would be magnificent. The book you recommended “The Lives They Left Behind” got mediocre reviews and has very poor editing. Well may be the next book. When one researches into the lives of people only remembered by numbered grave stones, you really do find some really fascinating people (like the civil war veteran that fought in several major campaigns. No wonder he went a little nuts.

  2. Yeah, I’m so drawn to doing this. I’m trying to find a way to wrk in a form of this in this current proposal I’m working on.

  3. If you don’t have to move the wires around a lot, there are tie things you can use to bind them together and possibly attach them to the underside of the table. That’s what we do here in the library computer lab.

    Great picture, btw.

  4. Thank you. The few time I tried tying them together it just didn’t look better. But attaching them to the underside of the table sounds interesting.

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