RIP Rose Harrington-Coulter

A dear friend from my 9/11 volunteer days died last night: Rose Harrington-Coulter. That’s Rose in the middle at St. Paul’s Chapel, where we both volunteered. But the picture below of Rose and Jean Pascuiti is how I always think of her. They always came to the chapel together.


Rose and Jean volunteered in the kitchen, which was the hardest job in the chapel. Working in the kitchen meant a lot of lugging of heavy things, working over a hot stove, fewer breaks. (I served coffee. It was a lot less work and I got to flirt with cute rescue workers.) It’s just further proof of how wonderful they both are and how much sadder the world is now without Rose.

She was just so nice and fun and funny. Jean said she was ready to go and it was peaceful. But man. This whole having to die thing sucks. Rose you were an absolute great and fabulous woman and I am so happy and proud that I got to meet you and become friends with you. Jean emailed me that “I think we all aspire to live life as Rose did,” and she is right.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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5 thoughts on “RIP Rose Harrington-Coulter

  1. Thank You so much for this tribute to my Aunt. I know that she would be thrilled to see all of this and she will truly be missed by all. Thanks again for this.

    Robin Batchelder
    (Rose’s Great Niece)

  2. Hi Stacy,
    Sorry about your friend Rose, she looks like a special lady with such kind eyes. On a lighter note, your rooftop photo is cool. Regards, Joanie.

  3. Thank you everyone. (And thanks for the compliment about my roof picture, Joanie!)

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