New Spring Haircut!

No more pictures of me for weeks, I promise. But I had to take a billion shots just to get two that were remotely acceptable. God I’ve gotten so old and jowly. Notice the strategic hand (and hair) placement.  I should include one of the rejects just so you see what I really look like, but I can’t. I’m only human.  I’ll stick with the illusion.

Stacy Horn New HaircutStacy Horn Another New Haircut Shot

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “New Spring Haircut!

  1. Your new haircut looks great! You don’t really say what you think of it… are you happy? Will you stick with that length? (As the owner of a Jamie Lee Curtis-length haircut, I can say that yours doesn’t even come close to being short! I’d like to grow mine out but HATE the in-between stage).

  2. I love it. I freaked at one point because I can’t pull it back, but I needed a change. Also, it’s a little too dark. I love the shade of brown, and it’s close to my real color, but think it’s aging. My guy says the color will lighten though, so I’m not concerned. Except my eyes look washed out and tired. I think I might need to use — gasp — makeup.

  3. LOVE the haircut! I’m actually trying to grow mine out to that length, but it most likely won’t look that good.
    You are also neither old nor jowly. And congrats on getting your apartment cleaned! I’m trying to take inspiration from your example to clean my house for spring.

  4. Why are you sure it won’t look good too? I think it’s kind of a Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird look. Which makes me like it.

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