Hot Weather – I am Not a Fan

This is a view from my roof, looking uptown. I’ve got three famous buildings in view: the Empire State, the Pan Am … okay, the Metlife building, and the Chrysler.

So today it’s supposed to hit 90 which absolutely sucks. 90, I hate you. And all of you other degrees above, too.

I planned to go to a sing of the Faure Requiem tonight, but the church is never air conditioned so I might pass, depending. John Maclay, the director of my choir, is conducting though. For those of you who don’t know about sings, during the summer choir people get together for a group sing of various choral favorites. It’s not a performance and anyone who wants to go can, whether they can sing or not.

I went to a sing of Mozart’s C Minor Mass a couple of weeks ago, which was harder than I had remembered. Sorry everyone around me!

I love requiems, and the Faure is an interesting one. It’s less death-y. My favorite requiem, the Brahms, you don’t forget for one second what you’re singing about, but the Faure, it’s not like you forget, but it’s lighter, more soothing.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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