Sex and the City 2 Shoot

I couldn’t get close so my I didn’t get any good pictures I have to forewarn you. But my neighborhood was taken over last night for a Sex and the City shoot. I went out to get bird seed and Perry Street was blocked. So I went around to 11th Street and came back over to Perry via West 4th. There was the familiar “craft services” table. Apple Jacks?? I didn’t even know they still made that kind of … junk.


There were crowds of people watching.


And cops … watching.


Perry Street was just jammed with equipment.


So here’s my first not-good shot of Carrie/Sarah Jessica Parker, at the bottom of Carrie’s apartment stairs.


Here’s my second not-good shot of Carrie ON the stairs.


My not-good shot of Miranda/Cynthia Nixon running off to sit down.


And I believe this is the actor playing Brady! I asked and in this picture he’s ten years old now.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “Sex and the City 2 Shoot

  1. There’s rarely a day that goes by there is not a film shoot in my Pasadena, California neighborhood. The craft tables are invariably loaded with selections shot through with high fructose corn syrup and other jolting ingredients. The Slow Food adherents hereabouts call it “dough food.”

  2. I am a fan of “Sex & the City”, enjoyed the first movie too. But Brady being 10, that will make for quite a stretch since their last movie. Hope it’s a good one.

  3. Me too. I’m a huge fan.

    Weston, I couldn’t believe the crap on that table. Although there was a lot of fruit, at least.

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