This Says it all About Michael Vick

I just read this on the Best Friends website. WARNING: It’s upsetting.

“Michael Vick may have paid his legal debt to society, but how does one begin to assess his heart and his mind when he has done little more than say what he needs to say to get his job back.

“When we brought the Vick dogs to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in January of 2008, they arrived in various states of trauma. While we’ve had many positive, groundbreaking experiences with the dogs, some have yet to recover, and some may never recover from the abuse and neglect they suffered in Vick’s care.

“To our knowledge, neither the NFL nor Michael Vick or his handlers has called to ask how the dogs are doing. These very real, living victims of the story are nowhere to be found in the ongoing debate about Mr. Vick’s image makeover.

“Vick’s handlers shopped him around to various national animal organizations, including Best Friends Animal Society, while he was still in prison. We were interested, but prior to involving him in our work and providing him with a presumed endorsement from Best Friends, we first wanted to see him actually demonstrate his remorse by undertaking unheralded volunteer work. Perhaps it would be spending six months to a year doing helpful chores at some animal shelter; or it could be visiting community centers to talk to kids without fanfare or any expectation of personal gain …

“Let’s set the dog fighting aside for a moment. Michael Vick personally drowned, electrocuted with jumper cables and body slammed dogs to death. He could have paid a vet to put the dogs down with a lethal injection. After all, he did pay someone to meticulously remove the teeth, roots and all, of Georgia, one of the Best Friends Vick dogs, so that she could be bred without endangering her male partner.

“But, no, he preferred to kill them up close and personal. One can only imagine the scene as Vick and his cronies attacked those poor dogs with vengeful glee. Would someone who expressed that level of aggression and violence against another person, even without a death involved, ever be considered for immediate re-admission to professional sports?”

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “This Says it all About Michael Vick

  1. No — to answer that ending question. They surely WOULD NOT nor SHOULD they.

    I’m just glad it wasn’t the Cowboys who signed him. Had it been, that would have ended a more than 40-year fan relationship in a heartbeat.

    We CANNOT, no, we MUST not condone these acts on any level. Where is the contrition, Mr. Vick? Where? You aren’t worthy of the oxygen you suck in each day.

  2. You might remember, Stacy, that I posted something about dog fighting a while back.

    My view is that Michael Vick should have to pay 10% or 15% of his multi-million dollar salary to the Humane Society or some other agency that cares for these dogs. And he should have to keep this up as long as he is receiving a salary in professional sports.

    This is more egregious than Mike Tyson biting off Evander Hollifield’s ear. I think we all know what Michael Vick is now, and no amount of cosmetic PR is going to change it.

  3. Thanks for this post, but I couldn’t look at the link. I have 2 dogs, 2 cats and I find Vick a despicable person, dangerous not only to animals but to humans. Serial killers get their start as animal killers. I think the last poster had a good idea:

    “Vick should have to pay 10% or 15% of his multi-million dollar salary to the Humane Society or some other agency that cares for these dogs.”

    At least there’d be some kind of atonement in that, but also like the first poster, I think the fact Vick never personally tried to find out the condition of the dogs rescued shows his lack of a soul.

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