Haircut Day

I know some of you think I shouldn’t get my hair cut, but the reality is it’s so long now I wear in a ponytail every day. That look in my new author photo?  Only happens when I get it professionally blown out, and I do that, like, almost never.  I’m getting the same haircut, it’s really just a trim.  I can’t wait. I love haircut day.

Oh wow.  All the birds on the fire escape just took off for no discernible reason.  This is a movie cliche for something bad about to happen.  In War of the World it meant the aliens were about to descend on the crowd. Oh god, it always means a monster is about to appear, or a tidal wave is about to hit, etc.   Looking around. Hmmm.

Anyway … this picture of a dove taking a rest from eating me out of house and home and making a mess all over the place makes my window look so dirty!  In reality they’re pretty clean.  I get them done at least once a year, twice if I’m feeling less poor.

Hi! Buddy is Resting

I was out running errands.  And I forgot my camera.  And I treated myself to a new pen.  And I lost the pen not twenty minutes later.  And I am an idiot.  Wait a minute.  What the hell was on my tv when I took that shot.  What are those guys doing??


Keller Hotel – What’s the Deal?

I’ve posted about this hotel several times.  I’ve had my eye on it for years.  It sits on the corner of Barrow and West Street, that’s the highway along the Hudson River. My fantasy was I’d buy it and me and my friends would live in it as a retirement home of sorts.  Someone else bought it, replaced the windows, and it has sat ever since, no more renovations, no nothing. More below …


I posted the following (and this picture) last year.

It was the Knickerbocker Hotel until 1910. After the Knickerbocker closed it became the New Hotel Keller, and then the Keller Abington Hotel, and since 1993 it’s been shortened to the Hotel Keller (although on the notices plastered on the door it’s still referred to as “Keller Abington Hotel”). The bar at street level was a gay bar from 1956 – 1998. [That’s a lot of history.] No mention of where the name Keller came from. The owner wasn’t named Keller. The new owner plans to keep the first floor commercial and the rest will be converted into apartments.

I keep meaning to research it a little more during one of my trips to the library, but every time I’m there I forget. I was just there too, and I had a little downtime. I always do. I’ll be waiting for a book and have time to putter and do something else while I wait.

I don’t know why I’m attracted to this hotel. It’s not a particularly attractive building and it’s not in a particularly attractive spot. I guess just because it’s abandoned. It has that lost, crumbling, forgotten appeal.