He’s Going to be Okay

This is me saying to Finn, “Who is the cutest cat in the whole wide world,” and him formulating an answer.

Actually, that’s his bask face. He’s basking in the love.

Meanwhile, Buddy is on the couch resting. All his blood tests are normal and the vet says it’s a flare-up of his IBS and to up the dose of the medicine I give him for that. I’m also going to try the B12 shot that Melissa suggested. I need to buy a scale so I can keep on top of his weight. But this is all hopefully addressable, so he should be okay. Poor little guy.

I feel like a semi-sane human again who can live her life. I’m doing the Gevalia Coffee chat at 10am. To participate go here for instructions.

It’s Never a Good Day When Cats are Sick

Buddy, who has IBS, is sicker than I thought. He was doing better, but not so much lately and when I took him to the vet yesterday he already had lost two more pounds!! That is a lot for a cat. I’m waiting for blood test results which should be back by noon today. The doctor gave him a shot for his diarrhea so he should be feeling better. I’m trying not to panic. But who am I kidding, I’m worried.

I took this picture last night. It’s of the pizza place I always stop in on my way home from choir practice. It’s next to the famous Village Vanguard. I always feel a little funny when there’s a long line outside the club. I’m getting pizza — they’re going to hear great music.


I’m Doing a Live Online Chat on Thursday

I’m doing a live chat sponsored by Gevalia Coffee this Thursday. More info here.

You can talk to me or this guy, pictured here on my lap, LIVE. Seriously. I literally took that picture seconds ago. He’s still here on my lap now, right this second, as I type. He will probably be back here on Thursday.

Alright. Back to work.

Or cat petting.

Or reading O Pioneers! Which I should be done with already. It’s the tiniest of novels.

Stages and Ships and Sailors

The Opium Live event I did yesterday was a lot of fun. I was very impressed with the two guys who run this, James J. Williams III and Todd Zuniga, and I’d really love to see this show continue and grow.

And I was blown away by the guy who did the event with me, performance artist Joseph Keckler. Do not miss him whenever you see him listed for anything. From the bio: “his shows have been presented at such venues as The New Museum, La MaMa, Spiegelworld, The Stone, Performance Studies Int’l, and SF MOMA. He has been described as “studly” by the Village Voice and “psychotic” by New York Press.”

And here are more pictures from the USS New York.  This morning I decided I didn’t like most of my pictures.  But here are a few. This was walking up onto the deck.


Sailors taking pictures of other sailors.


A cigarette break.


A shot of the city from the deck.


Okay, this was taken during the ceremony. We were actually sitting in a building on a pier next to the ship. I took this through a window looking towards the ship.


Some guys and a big gun. I think that’s a gun. A missile launcher?


This last one was very close to the kind of pictures I used to take in college, when I wanted to be a photographer. It’s very nostalgic for me.


To Commander F. Curtis Jones and the Crew of the USS New York …

Will you marry me? All of you?? I have such a crush on them!!

This is Commander Jones. I just googled him, he’s an MIT grad, for the love of God. His bio couldn’t be more impressive. He looks so young, doesn’t he? Like 35?

But seriously, do they send them all to charm school or something? They were, every last one of them, the perfect hosts. They couldn’t wait to explain everything about the ship, the planes, the guns, how they navigate. They let us inside anything we wanted to see so I got to see the inside of various tanks and … flying things. Damnit, they told me the names of things and I’ve already forgotten.

I have many pictures which I will post tomorrow, I’m exhausted now and I have to rest for this thing I’m doing tonight, Opium Live. I really have no idea what to expect from this event.

But I had a great time at the ceremony and touring the ship. I never felt like an alien, not for a second. There was none of the kind of thing that makes me feel like an alien.