To Commander F. Curtis Jones and the Crew of the USS New York …

Will you marry me? All of you?? I have such a crush on them!!

This is Commander Jones. I just googled him, he’s an MIT grad, for the love of God. His bio couldn’t be more impressive. He looks so young, doesn’t he? Like 35?

But seriously, do they send them all to charm school or something? They were, every last one of them, the perfect hosts. They couldn’t wait to explain everything about the ship, the planes, the guns, how they navigate. They let us inside anything we wanted to see so I got to see the inside of various tanks and … flying things. Damnit, they told me the names of things and I’ve already forgotten.

I have many pictures which I will post tomorrow, I’m exhausted now and I have to rest for this thing I’m doing tonight, Opium Live. I really have no idea what to expect from this event.

But I had a great time at the ceremony and touring the ship. I never felt like an alien, not for a second. There was none of the kind of thing that makes me feel like an alien.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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