I’m Sick as a Dog!

I think there’s a possibility it might be swine flu! But a mild case, at least so far. I’m going to go curl up now. And try to sleep.

I am SO glad I went out yesterday and went food shopping. Often I don’t have food in the house, I just go out when I get hungry. So I’m all set for staying inside and resting.

This is Buddy in the window, just minutes ago, practically live.

Happy Christmas Eve!!

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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6 thoughts on “I’m Sick as a Dog!

  1. Sorry to hear you are ill. Several of my family members have come down with a strange stomach virus, unable to hold food, vomiting, etc. We’re all wondering if this could be a mild case of the swine flu? So far, I’ve not been sick, just hope it stays that way.

    Take care of yourself and try to have a good Christmas day anyway. I look forward to New Year’s Day — much prefer the idea of looking forward — not back into the past.

  2. Get well soon!

    @Cara – that sounds like food poisoning. Did the sick family members eat the same thing before getting sick?

  3. Hey Stacy, Hope you are recovering from your illness, and just too busy to post.

    Wishing you well, and hugs for the kitties.

    My mother is in the hospital, and with her other medical issues: diabetic, kidneys failing, we’re not sure she’ll make it this time around.

    @Gene: there seems to be some kind of nasty stomach virus going around here in north Alabama. I know numerous people who have it or have had it. Other family members are recovering, and I still haven’t had it. None of us had the same kind of food, and most got sick at different times — seems to be very contagious.

  4. Ohmygod, I’m so sorry about your mother. My mother died in 2001 and I know just how hard it is to lose your mother, even when think it’s not going to be, it just is. Ugh. Your poor mother, Christmas in the hospital. The only thing I can say is, I hope her time isn’t now.

  5. And thank you everyone else, I just had to respond to Cara first. Buddy is mostly okay, but he keeps going back and forth, and that concerns me.

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