What kind of tree is this?

This is not a great shot though, maybe it’s hard to see. It has berries.

Christ. January is half over. How did that happen?

Hey, for those of you who watch the show Bones, isn’t David Boreanaz looking thin? Too thin, I mean. I actually think he looks a little unwell.

Today is New Years Eve in my holiday do-over. I’m not quite sure what I should do though … hmmmm. I don’t drink, but what is something else I could do that is indulgent like that? Grapes! I love grapes. I will put out a bowl full of grapes. I know, doesn’t sound very exciting but I like the image.

Golden Globes tonight! I love award shows. Like everyone else who loves award shows, I love checking out the clothes.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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