It’s a Good Day Already

Buddy ate a huge breakfast, Sarah Palin’s numbers are down (thank God, like her if you must, but that doesn’t mean she is qualified to be president), and I’m heading out in a little while to the Grace Church archives.

A picture of my roof from yesterday. I love color shots that are mostly gray.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “It’s a Good Day Already

  1. I’ve noticed that a significant amount of politics on the left and right is an appeal to different styles.

    Often a lot of people in red states are moved by what they sense to be authenticity.

    A lot of people in blue states are moved by what they sense to be the cosmopolitan.

    The people who are moved by authenticity feel that a popular voice of small town values and Americana means more honesty and more common sense.

    The people who are moved by a cosmopolitan approach feel that this signifies a good education and more sophistication in respect to dealing with the world.

    I have found that sometimes people who appear authentic are about as dishonest as a broken clock. And people who have good educations from prestigious schools often have trouble figuring out how to plug in a toaster.

    Anyway, I’ve noticed that often the cultural style trumps the substance on both sides.

    I believe we may be starting to understand that the presidency is not a good place for on-the-job training.

  2. Well, I’m an authentic cosmopolitan, as Stacy can attest. I love cats, currently enjoy the companionship of a Maine Coon and a Manx, and if Sarah Palin runs for the presidency in 2012, I might just have to run against her.

    Good to see you, Stacy! Vote Garbled 2012.

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