Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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6 thoughts on “Further Proof that I’m Gypped

  1. i don’t think that cats and possums would get along. when i lived in rural nj, the local possum tribe would go at it with the feral cats over the contents of my trash pails. talk about a symphony of screeching !!!

  2. Oh, but I have a possum living under my deck, and my cat has befriended it. We pulled into the driveway one night and my headlights lit up the cat and possum, curled up together under the pickup truck. They both stood up slowly and yawned, and the possum plodded reluctantly away. This is why I don’t have a cat door.

    BTW, they are not really very cute. Your friend must be an amazing photographer to catch the one camera angle and the right age of possum.

  3. That’s about the most flattering photo of a possum – he looks like he has been groomed. Most look greasy and have a sick grin when viewed from the side. (Southerners call them “grinners”.)They are not the smartest creatures. I’ve nearly stepped on one when going out on my porch at night…

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