Barbara sent me more pictures of the bird I’m pretty sure is a made-up bird. Doesn’t it look like something out of a cartoon? I probably said that the last time. But look at this guy. Not real!
So I read this on TV Tattle:
“SYTYCD will pair 10 contestants with past all-stars. Mia Michaels will return as judge and choreographer as So You Think You Can Dance undergoes several changes, including the reduction of finalists to 10 dancers who will be paired with all-stars.”
Well, Mia coming back is great. And I love the idea that we will see past favorites again, but if they’re not my favorites this could be annoying. But I will withold judgement. I’m open to experimentation.
More pictures! Karen sent me this picture of Holden Beach, North Carolina. What do you think Rick? Pretty restful looking. I should have explored outside Durham.