Hello Weekend!
So far the Census Bureau has been sending me from one senior center to another, and the seniors for the most part don’t need any help. The most questions I’ve gotten was when I was positioned in the lobby of one place that held a senior center but also had other things on different floors, like a nursery school, and I got questions from people passing by.
Today I’m at St. Veronica’s from 12 -5. I’ve never been inside there so that should be interesting. Except it won’t be in the church itself, of course, which is too bad. That would be the prettiest part.
This is yet another shot from my Bronx excursion. I’m looking down onto a dock that has seen better days. I love staring into water. I’m hypnotized. I love staring into rivers the best. And ponds.
What is the best? Oceans? Rivers? Puddles?