Good Morning!

I will be back at the Census by the time you read this.

The People Magazines are piling up.

TV shows on my dvr are piling up.

I’m not getting reading done, not getting writing done, not getting research done, not exercising, not meditating.

Tonight I am going to work out a plan. I will have to write this book in increments, ie, an hour of writing one night, an hour of research another, and so on. Plus I have to fit People Magazine reading in. And my big yearly Spring Cleaning, which is coming up fast!

It’s fun at the Census though. Yesterday I had to find various foreign language speakers to be enumerators. Oh, the name of someone I knew came up on the list of possible people to hire and I hired her.

We’re training all the enumerators now who will be hitting the streets shortly. If you didn’t return your forms New Yorkers, they will be knocking on your door.

That’s my apartment in the top window. I took this looking down the airshaft from the roof after feeding the birds this morning.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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