We’re Supposed to be the Good Guys

I can’t take the ugliness surrounding the proposed Cordoba House, aka the Ground Zero Mosque, which is neither a mosque NOR at ground zero. It’s a community center which is going to include a prayer space and the suggested site is Park Place which is not ground zero.

America was founded on religious freedom. What better response could there be to the attacks than religious tolerance? To show the world that we know the difference between terrorists and people of good faith?

Finney Follow-up

Finney is going to the vet for his follow-up sonogram this morning. I’ve been nervous about this swelling around the incision. Apparently it’s normal (as long as it’s not oozing) but I’ll feel better when they take a closer look. He seems fine except he’s drinking and peeing massive amounts. It’s raining though, is the thing. I am not looking forward to lugging this great big cat in the rain.

I need reading glasses, by the way. I’ve tried two places so far and no go. The glasses at one drugstore (a very nice fancy drugstore near me called Bigelow’s) were $75!! I’m going to try Loehmans and Little Rickys next.

These are pigeons in Washington Square Park.

It’s no fun being soaking wet at the library!

I opted for a library visit when I remembered I still had some guest visit passes left for the NYU library. Except it poured and I sat in the cold library, completely soaking wet.

When I took this picture though, I wasn’t cold yet and I was very happy to be out in the rain. By the way, the NYU collection is amazing. I wonder if those NYU students appreciate how good they have it. (I’m sure many do.)


Two days off!!

I love having all this time in front of me to write, write, write. Although I might take one day to start my library research.

I have to brainstorm though, about where I might come up with original material about the composer Ralph Vaughan Williams. I’d love to somehow find something new about him. Except he was British and I’m here in America.

Thinking, thinking … he came here a few times, there must be some scrap of something somewhere from these visits.

I have an idea!

Mondays Are My Fridays

I’ve been compiling a list of books I need to read which can’t be taken out of the library. You have to use them there. The list is so long now I’ll have to live at the library for a month straight. Seriously, it’s insane. What’s more insane is each book might only provide one tiny fact or quote, and I’ll spend a week for what might end up being a paragraph or two or three.

I took these pictures the other day, on my way home. A storm kept threatening, but it never quite happened. This is 13th Street, there’s an organic supermarket there.


This is 7th Avenue. I’m almost home.


Looking north on my roof.


And looking south! I loved the silver of whatever these things are again the gray.
