
I took too long puttering around this morning and now I don’t have time to go to the library before heading downtown for a gallery guide training class down at the WTC Tribute Center. Now I need to rethink my whole day.

This training should be interesting. Originally I trained to be a tour guide for the WTC site, but I just didn’t enjoy being “on” like that. I also found teaching draining for the same reason. Some people thrive on that, I prefer to be in the background. (It’s why I love writing.)

I believe a gallery guide just has to stand around answering questions and I think I would love that. I would get to interact with visitors from all over the country and the world, but not in a performing way. In fact, in a more real and interactive way. I will report back!

So these are my $29.99 reading glasses. Yeah, probably not worth it but what the hell. What’s spent is spent.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “Oops!

  1. I’ve docented at a couple of museums in NY and found it surprisingly frustrating. One place was doing an awful job of promoting itself, and seemed to be going down the drain (N-Y Historical Society), another had an attitude of “Please go away and let us play with our boats” (South St Seaport Museum). Anyway that was how it felt to me. Don’t want to sound too negative. I guess it all depends on the institution itself. Good luck, I hope you love it.

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