
Believe me, I understand the need for a bargain, not just the desire, but the need, but still. Who would want to face shopping today? I just saw the picture of the crowd outside Macy’s on the front page of the Times. That place is hard to bear on a normal day! (But fun to walk through if you’re not there to shop, but just to sight-see.)

Lines at Penn Station. I went from this …


To this. The view in my brother’s front yard.


And back home to this. Tree sellers set up on various corners throughout the city. I was wondering where they were, and by the time I got home last night, they had arrived.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “Thanksgiving

  1. I don’t mind people buying trees the day after Thanksgiving, but I really think they should wait till at least the first of December. “Traditionally” it should go up Christmas Eve, but who can wait that long? What really irks the heck out of me is when I see a tree thrown out the very day after Christmas. The season last till Jan 6th!
    OK, end of rant.
    Actually, it really nice to walk by the tree sellers and get that whiff of evergreen aroma.

  2. Karen, my brother does have quite the view.

    By the way, wherever I went yesterday, on Saturday, was empty. Not a good sign for retailers.

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