I am exhausted! Christ! I think I got old in one year. All this cleaning is killing me, and I even did a “pre-cleaning,” in that I did some of the harder jobs in the days leading up to my Holiday Cleaning. (Yes, I am insane.)
I am now on Day 3. I always save the easy jobs for last, like going through my clothes and getting rid of anything that doesn’t fit, ironing, desk organizing.
I tried to figure out what I could take a picture of that would convey the cleanliness of my apartment and settled on this. It shows my new, sparkling shower curtain, and the new bath mat.
Usually the very last thing I do is put up holiday decorations, but I don’t want to. That concerns me. It sounds like a depressed person thing, not putting up holiday decorations. But I don’t feel particularly depressed. Maybe I need to embrace change. Maybe I have become to sort of person who doesn’t put up holiday decorations. (Scrooge.) I wouldn’t mind a nice wreath though.
And I wouldn’t mind having a tree! Except for the part when the cats climb it, break all the ornaments, get tangled in the lights, bringing the tree crashing down and getting electrocuted in the process.