A Long Walk

I’m walking uptown to see a panel two of my friends are participating in at the library today. Christ! I went to get the link for their event and there are 103 events today at all the various branches of the New York Public Library.

Every once in a while I think about the scale of the place where I live. If you take any one day, and look at all the millions and millions and millions of events, gatherings, parties, whatever, going on all around the city, all the restaurants and shops, and there are enough people to go to all these things, eat in all these places, AND there are so many people that most of them are not aware of or will ever meet each other and know what everyone else is up to. It blows my mind. While I’m at my panel today millions of people will be at a million other things.

Dogs. There are also lots of dogs.


I see a planet! Or a UFO.

Ah, it would be nice to be educated. Because then I would know what this is. There’s something very bright in the sky right now, in a spot where I’ve never seen anything like that. Or rather, not this time of day. It’s probably a planet. OR, a planet eater! Orrrrrrrr my ride home.

I have to run! I’ve taken a freelance job fact-checking a friend’s book (yay!) but that means I only have a couple of hours a day to work on my own, which will be the first few hours of the morning, always my best writing time.

In the meantime, a reprise of a post from two years ago where I listed some of my favorite Christmas episodes. I’m going to add to it tomorrow, but if you have favorites, let me know! Maybe there are good ones I’ve forgotten, or even better, good ones I’ve never seen.

Northern Exposure: The episode called Seoul Mates. It’s the one where Holling sings Ave Maria to Shelley.

West Wing: Noel. This is the best of them all, my personal favorite, it’s the one where Leo tells the story to Josh that begins, “A man falls into a hole …”

West Wing: In Excelsis Deo, the one where Toby arranges for the burial of a homeless vet. (Aaron Sorkin can really do Christmas, apparently.)

Bones: The Man in the Fallout Shelter, this is the one where they are all quarantined in the lab over Christmas.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Amends. The one where it snows at the end.

Roswell: A Roswell Christmas Carol. This is the one where Max heals all the children at the hospital.

We are so going to Hell

I had to stop reading this article about the treatment of Bradley Manning. I know there are people who don’t agree that this information should have been released, but surely we shouldn’t be doing what we’re doing to him.

I’m pretty sure I posted a picture of this building last year. They always do such a nice job decorating for the holidays.


The Challenge

I’m trying to fatten up Buddy (the one in the back) at the same time that I need to trim down Finney (the one hovering in the foreground with his belly resting on the floor).

Finney always finishes first, of course, and the challenge becomes keeping an eye on Finney to make sure he doesn’t take Buddy’s food.

Speaking of food, there’s a picture of Christmas cookies on the front page of the Times right now. I must have some. But all the good bakeries near me have closed due to the one that Sex and the City made famous. Where am I going to find Christmas cookies (good ones)?? Knowing how to cook would really come in handy right about now.


Not at all Breaking News

I’m sitting here, literally trying not to freak out about a half a million things and I read this headline on health.com:

10 Careers With High Rates of Depression

“Artists, entertainers, writers. These jobs can bring irregular paychecks, uncertain hours, and isolation.” A-freaking-men, they do. Why couldn’t I have really wanted to be a dentist??

Tree, pretty.
