Help Lianne Smith

My friend singer/song writer Lianne Smith is trying to raise money to make a CD using that place Kickstarter. I love the song that she’s singing on the video. I also found this wonderful recording she did with Nada Surf, which she refers to on her Kickstarter page:

” … I’ve worked on other people’s records, but I’ve NEVER put out my own. But that’s about to CHANGE. With your help through Kickstarter, you’ll know me as the singer/songwriter with a Really Good debut album. I’ve got Anton Fier on board as the producer, as well as lot of of New York’s best musicians.”

“It used to be that a musician was able to depend on a record company for the money to make and release an album. The world has changed. And yet it hasn’t … You are my agents. You are my executive producers. YOU are my record company.”

So if you like what you hear and would like to help out a struggling artist, please contribute to my friend Lianne!

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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