Note to Self: Buy Rain Boots

At every corner, there’s either a puddle, a pond or a sea. This is a puddle. If it’s a pond or a sea you have to make a split second decision—because there are tons of people behind you waiting—jump or find another way across.

Why haven’t I ever bothered to buy a pair of rain boots? What is wrong with me? Every time I see someone walk confidently through whatever sea faces them, without a care in the world, I think, “buy rain boots.” But I never do.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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5 thoughts on “Note to Self: Buy Rain Boots

  1. Stacy, there are some really CUTE rain boots at Signals. Paisley (rubber) cowboy boots, Monet waterlily boots, etc.

  2. I’m at my local mall right now (albeit in Canada, mind you) and adult rain boots are 30% off at Old Navy. Reg price $29.50.

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