93 Perry Street

Here’s that building I posted about two posts down, but in 1937. I grabbed this from the New York Public Library images database. Or was it from the new Museum of the City of New York one? I don’t know! I’m losing my mind!

I blame my teeth. I do so much worrying about how much it’s all going to cost and how awful it’s going to be I have no brain cells left for anything else.

I keep discovering that many of my favorite composers were practically infants when they wrote my favorite pieces. I just started researching a 16th century piece and the composer was 28 when he wrote it. Twenty-freaking-eight.

I don’t know a lot about the 16th century. I trying to find out what life was like for the people who originally sang this piece, seminary students I think. I’m hoping to find a book like: What Life Was Life for Seminary Students in the 16th Century Written Expressly For Stacy Horn Because We Thought She’d Need it Someday.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “93 Perry Street

  1. Well, for one thing, the life expectancy in the 16th century wasn’t a whole lot more than 28 years. Remember Venus on the Half Shell, Bottacelli’s great painting? The model for that image, Simonetta Vespucci, (niece of Amerigo) died in childbirth at the age of 23. All images of her were posthumous. Of her it was said, “Men loved her without lust, and women without envy”.
    Stacy, you’ll survive. You will.

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