My Posts are Wanting, I Know

I feel like I haven’t been able to put much thought into my posts lately (I actually, normally, do!). I’ve been doing a lot of running around. But I will be back to normal tomorrow. (Famous last words.)

The boys, waiting for breakfast. Hey, did you see all the articles in the Times about animals and pets? It’s been full of them recently. People are waking up to how devoted we are to them, more studies are being done. It’s great.


Late for Temp Work

Running late for my temp job. We were talking about Japan all day. We were also comparing how different countries covered it. We looked at the New York Times, The Guardian and Al Jazeera. The Times was the most alarmed at first, but by the end of the day the others were alarmed too.

The artisanal ice cream truck that parks on Bleecker. And tourists.


Free Hugs

Because hugs normally cost a lot of money? These girls in Union Square were holding up a sign saying “Free Hugs.” I’ve seen people do this on and off for years. There’s a very sweet free hugs video on YouTube. The girls were adorable, but why do people do this? I think perhaps the people holding up the signs are the ones who are actually in need of hugs.


Everyone Needs a Hero

Sayaka and Japan, we’re still thinking of you. What can we do? When I’m home I’ve got the news on and it’s 24 hour news of Japan. Unfortunately, the news keeps getting worse. Are you still okay?

There were a bunch of super heroes on Perry Street yesterday. This isn’t all of them, this is the group that got caught by the light.


Hide me!

Christ, a nuclear plant building exploded in Japan, Qaddafi seems to be gaining ground—I’m sorry all who are suffering and in trouble today. My problems seem so petty.

I didn’t turn around to see what they were all looking up at. Because I was afraid it might be a giant tarantula.
