I Need to Extend my Birthday

I didn’t get to a movie! My pedicure has to be re-done! (Oh the humanity!) I’m making next Tuesday my birthday, take two.

Today I’m heading out to Long Island for a combination graduation/birthday/father’s day party. Good food will be involved. I’m bringing empty to-go containers. (Wishful left-overing.) The other good thing about going out to Long Island is all that uninterrupted reading time on the train.

I bought a pair of board shorts to swim in and joined the City gym near me which has two pools. The outdoor pool, with the man-eating fish (pictured left) isn’t open yet, but I’ll probably never use that one. I prefer the indoor pool. The last time I joined this gym I left in a huff over “family hours.” I’m not allowed to use the gym during “family hours” which at the time were all the time, it was so unfair. But I must not have been the only one to complain, because it’s more even now.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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