Another Dress I Can’t Possess

A Dress I Can't Possess
Isn’t this beautiful? It’s a work of art. I’m not sure if it would look great on me. I wish the neckline was a little higher. Not for modesty’s sake, but I think it would be more flattering.

More new tv news.

Downton Abbey: Okay, not technically new, but new to me. I just started watching and I’ve only seen the first two episodes of season one, but already it’s true love. Why am I the last to know? If it comes close to keeping it up, this is going to be my second favorite show on television. (The first is still Bones.)

Terra Nova: Couldn’t get through the second episode. I cancelled the series.

New Girl: Liking it more. Still not true love. And nothing close to what I feel for Downton Abbey.

American Horror Story: Haven’t seen it yet, it premieres tonight, but I’m including it because I’m hopeful.

Shows that I haven’t seen but am hearing good things about: Up All Night and Suburgatory. I’m afraid I might be missing something, but there are only so many hours in a day.

Not new but I’m still loving it: Raising Hope.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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8 thoughts on “Another Dress I Can’t Possess

  1. I saw the previews of “American Horror Story” and was impressed (also impressed that Jessica Lange is featured; she’s a favorite of mine). Plan to watch it tonight, hope it is as good as the preview!

    Only bad aspect: it airs opposite of “Law & Order, SVU” which I also like.

  2. Oh I loved Downton Abbey too. If you can find “Any Human Heart” you would probably enjoy it. It didn’t capture me right away like DA did, but by the end of the second episode I was hooked.

  3. Downton Abbey was up for a bunch of Emmys and I think won some. I had written it down as something to check out, so thanks for the thumbs up and reminder. I was intrigued by the promos for Horror, so will have put that on the DVR list. Ever since seeing her in “Frances”, I have liked Jessica Lange. Great film if you’ve not seen it, but disturbing! Not sure about their longevity, but I’ve watched a couple of episodes of “Unforgettable” and “Pan Am”, and liked them both okay so far.

  4. Downton Abbey’s got a second series coming up sometime too; can’t wait.
    LOVE Raising Hope! Bert’s the best.
    I enjoyed the pilot of Suburgatory, but the second episode I watched this week wasn’t as strong. Still good though.
    And do you ever watch the Inspector Lewis mysteries on PBS? Good stuff.
    Okay, clearly I spend too much time with the TV.

  5. Downton Abbey was superb. My wife and I both loved it.

    It was supposed to be about the most expensive, detailed, and accurate piece that Britain ever produced for TV. There was a lot of talk about doing another series that would pick up where Downton Abbey left off, the eve of the war.

    My wife and I really hope they follow through because, as other commenters know, this is one of those series where one really becomes interested in the characters and wants to find out where they are going.

    if anyone would like to look at a terrific series that is a very accurate portrayal of the world my wife and i grew up in, check out Friday Night Lights.

  6. The second series of Downton Abbey begins in January on PBS (not sure of the exact date).
    I am fairly disappointed with the new shows this season…I think I will just stick with the tried & true: Bones, definitely still my fav.
    I have been spending more time with PBS. I guess I should send them some money!

  7. Bert is the best!!

    And I’m so glad to find all the Downton Abbey fans! I’d love to talk more about it when I’m caught up. I will look for Any Human Heart. And join you Greg in hoping that they do another series.

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