Yesterday Didn’t Suck, I Have High Hopes for Today

Reasons Why Yesterday Didn’t Suck

1. My visit to the dentist didn’t involve a novocaine shot.
2. A guy on the street told me I was cute in a particularly sweet way.
3. I’ve actually lost too much weight, and I don’t want to exercise or swim less so that means EAT MORE. I had grilled cheese and french fries for lunch.
4. Went out to dinner after Teresa Carpenter’s reading last night, saw an old-friend, great dinner conversation with his wife. Oh, and another nice compliment at dinner about how I looked.
5. Came home to a dinner invitation from a friend who is a GREAT cook.
6. Positive response from Howard who looked at the re-worked beginning of my book.

The Second Cemetery of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue on 11th Street, which I pass by almost every day. I took this Tuesday night on my way back from choir practice.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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