Awake is Cancelled?? Seriously??

I quit. Awake is so smart. I have no idea how they planned to explain everything, but I wasn’t annoyed (like Lost). It was proceeding in such a thought-provoking way. So, we’re never going to get the explanation? Fucking tv sometimes. Oh man, the acting was so great.

Spring Cleaning Update: Spring cleaning is kicking my ass this year. I don’t know what the deal is, but it’s been taking me so much longer and has been involved so much more work. The couch cleaners came yesterday, and the couch looks great, but now I’ve decided the seat cushions need to be restuffed. Thursday the window cleaners come (I postponed due to the rain) and Friday my rug comes back all freshly cleaned. Friday this place is going to sparkle.

Flowers on 11th Street. As usual, thank you 11th Street beautifiers.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Awake is Cancelled?? Seriously??

  1. Oh, that is a bummer (re: Awake), although I confess I never watched it. I wanted to but after the first flurry of ads I never heard about it again and could never figure out when and where it was on.
    I did want Jason Isaacs to succeed in a series–I really like him. Have you seen the Masterpiece Theatre Jackson Brodie episodes he was in? I think the first one was called Case Histories. A great show, and beautiful Edinburgh scenery to boot.

  2. I haven’t seen that, but he is wonderful (and very handsome) in Awake.

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