Big Sing Tonight – I need my camera back!
I’m going to something called The Big Sing later, and I need my camera, damnit. This event must be documented. I know there are those who say if you’re photographing what you’re doing you’re not really experiencing what you’re doing, but for those of us who love photography, capturing the moment in this way is part of living it.
This is Buddy asking for food (always a good thing these days). It’s an ichat screen grab, all I have these days.
Oh god. They just called this second. They can’t repair my camera and they have to send it to Canon and it will take a few weeks. Alright, that was a hard blow, in the realm of blows that are not really hard blows at all. (A diagnosis of a terminal illness is a real hard blow.) I had planned to do my author photo on Wednesday. At this point my camera won’t even be back before my author photo is due. Damnit, damnit, damnit.
The conductors from the big sing last year: