See this movie. I implore you. I don’t know why it didn’t win tons of awards or why the writer/director Lorene Scafaria isn’t as well known as some of her contemporaries. I saw it a couple of years ago and loved it. Last night it moved up to favorite movies status, to be watched and re-watched as needed. I don’t even want to describe what an “as needed” occasion might be, because that could possibly give something away. I’m also going to keep my favorite lines to myself, to avoid any chance of spoilage. Like a great book that gets better with subsequent readings, now that I had the overall picture I saw the movie differently this time. I could sink into and truly appreciate every line, expression, piece of action. By the final third of the movie … I want to say I was breathless, but it was like I had more air, like I could breath even stronger and bigger than before.
It’s about the end of the world, and that’s really all you need to know. But see this movie. It’s not just heart-warming, it’s heart-saving.
Here’s a great line from Roger Ebert’s review at the time, and I can’t put it in context for you because again, it would give something away. “That’s when I realized what I would do if I knew the world was ending. I would find a homeless mother dog with puppies and be calmed by her optimism.” That’s sad to read now. I wonder if he had a dog at the end.
I leave you with Bleecker’s belly, who is sleeping at the moment and therefore the house is calm. Nothing is being broken, no cats are being harassed. I don’t have to guard my coffee cup from being sent flying.