Come Away by Stephen Policoff

Come Away by Stephen Policoff
This may seem like a morbid way to begin this post, but I will always remember what Stephen Policoff wrote when our mutual friend, Aly Sujo, died. It was the most moving of all that I’d read about Aly and I was grateful for his words. He captured Aly so perfectly, and the pain of losing him. Policoff is a writer, and is the Master Teacher of Writing in Global Liberal Studies at NYU, so it wasn’t a surprise of course, but still.

From his email: “Come Away is a companion piece to my first novel, Beautiful Somewhere Else, and like that novel is a dark domestic comedy laced with a mild buzz of the supernatural.” Sounds perfect for me! Policoff’s first novel, Beautiful Somewhere Else, won the James Jones 1st Novel Prize.

If you live in New York he’ll be at The Golden Notebook, in Woodstock NY, today at 4:40.  On Monday November 17th, he’ll be at First Bite, at Contrada on E. 4th Street at 7:00 PM. I’ll probably go to his reading on November 20 at the NYU Bookstore on Broadway (6-7:30).

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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One thought on “Come Away by Stephen Policoff

  1. There is more than a touch of Aly in the character of Paul!
    Thanks for the mention!

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