Rest in Peace Matt Shapoff

Damnit, damnit, damnit. I just read that Matt Shapoff died on May 19th. He was only 43 I see. He was just the sweetest, nicest soul. Once, totally out of the blue, he took a picture a friend had taken of me in college (Sandra Whaley) and reinterpreted the image using the cyanotype method which he loved so much. Then he just gave it to me as a present. He talks about his process here.

My condolences to his wife Cynthia Rybakoff, also a lovely person, and all his family and friends.

Stacy Horn Portrait in Cyanotype

Love Makes me Happy

I’ve wanted to buy a Robert Indiana Love poster for the longest time. Yes, it’s a nostalgia thing but it makes me happy. It’s been an expensive month however. I’m looking at you Bleeck, who cost me hundreds in vet bills and you’re just fine. (Not complaining, really.)

Then a friend said, “Why don’t you just get the postcard.” Which I did. And, it makes me happy!

Love, Robert Indiana

Going Back to the New York Public Library

I’m heading back to the library today, to copy more annual reports about the institutions on Blackwell’s Islands. I’ve found all the copies I could get easily, and now I’m down to the ones that can only be found on microfilm.

I’m grateful the library has them, but holy mother of God I hate working with microfilm. It is SO TEDIOUS copying hundred of pages from microfilm not to mention very expensive.

Dread, dread, dread. I will be treating myself to a nice sandwich when I take a break.

Women from the organization, Women in Black Against War, in front of the main branch of the New York Public Library.

Women in Black Against War, New York City

My Day Off

I went to the Van Gogh Irises and Roses exhibit at the Met, and then walked to the E train by way of Central Park. Taking my time. Because normally I walk just under the speed of light.

I saw a beautiful young couple getting some wedding pictures taken. Ohmygod, that reminds me! My nephew Christopher just got engaged!! Congratulations!!

Central Park, New York City

I also saw shoes that are a work of art in a window on 5th Avenue.

Window, New York City

And a Rolls Royce with a plate that read “Science.” I googled it and all I learned was that the owner is a scientist, which of course is no surprise. I’m dying to know who owns this car. Yay science! I also thought it was a very elegant car, and I rarely notice cars.

Rolls Royce, New York City

Spring Cleaning Done!

And the lilacs I bought for myself are already dead. They lasted, what? A day! I’m just too freaking tired to go out and get myself fresh flowers. I’ll get them tomorrow. I’m going to take the day off and go to some museums. For now …


I’m relaxing with my favorite zombie movie, Shaun of the Dead. You may notice I have closed captioning on. I’ve got that on pretty much permanently these days. Invariably there’s a word I can’t quite make out in every show, and it bugs me. I don’t like missing even one word.

Shaun of the Dead