I Didn’t Do Anything on 9/11

I went for a swim in the morning, came home, and then I never left my apartment for the rest of the day. Part of it was I was tired. I’d worked 16 hours straight the day before. I’m a poll worker and we had a small, local election. I left my apartment at 4:30am and I didn’t get back until around 10 or 10:30pm. Exhausting! But my fellow poll workers are great and I love people who bother to vote.

What did you do for 9/11? Anything? Perhaps watched a bit of 9/11 related tv coverage?

Someone put up this tiny birdhouse on a tree along the West Side Highway. This is near where we held up thank you signs to the rescue and recovery workers, making this a kind of 9/11 picture. If I had moved a little bit to the left 1 World Trade would have made it into the shot.

Birdhouse, West Side Highway, New York City

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “I Didn’t Do Anything on 9/11

  1. I didn’t do anything special yesterday, but the first weekend in October I’m driving to Pennsylvania to see Fallingwater, but first will go to the Flight 93 National Memorial which just opened the visitor center. One of the flight attendants on the plane, Sandy Bradshaw, lived here in Greensboro with her husband and toddler son (I think he was 2 at the time).

    Just can’t believe that it has been 14 years; the memories are just as clear as if it happened last week.

  2. Lucinda, I love that place. I wish I had done that on 9/11. How bittersweet to have come upon those graves accidentally.

    Karen, I’m glad there is finally a Flight 93 Memorial. I’ve always though it was so unfair how New York got all the attention when people died in DC and Pennsylvania that day. And of course the people on the planes came from all over, as you point out.

    Please let me know what you think of it after you go.

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