I Want Candy

I’m finding that I’m looking forward to Halloween this year to a ridiculous degree. And included in that is a strong desire for nostalgia candy. What I want more than anything I cannot have, and that is one of those orange Wowee Wax Whistles. I think I’d burst into tears if I could get a hold of one. They were genuinely delicious, and I loved the packaging. Now I want a poster of their art, the one with the witch. Except I just googled it and I also love the owl one and the cat one.

I wonder if this pull towards childhood pleasures means I’m feeling some deep regret about my current life? Mulling it over … the only thing that rings true to me is that it might be connected to a fear of death, and the desire to have my whole life ahead of me. Ha. Happy Halloween!

But I’m going to head over to Economy Candy and take what I can get, which will include wax lips and fangs, and Bonomos Turkish Taffy, which I probably won’t be able to chew my these ridiculous teeth I have. My ridiculous OLD teeth.

Halloween, West Village, New York City

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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