What kind of bird is this?

He was singing on my fire escape a minute ago, and I loved the sounds he was making! So did Bleecker. Ah, is it a robin? I just googled it and I think it’s a robin. I wish I could have robins flying around my apartment. Except for the mess. And the fact that they’d soon be murdered by cats. Thanks for stopping by, little guy.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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6 thoughts on “What kind of bird is this?

  1. Definitely a robin, with the slightly unfortunate Latin name Turdus migratorius. As a type of thrush it has a lovely varied song:

    I was just thinking that it should be farther south, even in NYC, when my husband came home and said he’d seen one up here! WTF? He also saw a Cardinal at the same time. They are hardier than the Robins but they still decamp for at least January. Especially today, when the windchill makes it feel like -18F.

  2. Yes, the American Robin! We used to have a picture of them on the back of our $2-bill here in Canada. When we still had a $2 bill…

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